Youth exchange “Social Reflection” in Portugal

Youth exchange “Social Reflection” in Torre de Moncorvo, Portugal, 5.04-12.04.2017

In the beginning of April 36 people in total from Estonia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Portugal got together in a small Portugese town near the Douro river named Torre de Moncorvo. In the town with around 9000 residents was a project called “Social Reflection”, which we all took part of. It was organised by Santa Casa da Misericordia de Torre de Moncorvo, a Portugese organisation and led by Leonor Dargent and Ricardo Rodrigues, both really great and amazing people.

The aim of the project was to analyze social development opportunities, problems, possible solutions and promote active citizenship in society, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity. Additional objectives were to improve informal and non-formal competences & skills of participants and to enhance the international dimension of youth activities and the role of youth work.

During the 7 days of the project we had many workshops, presentations, evaluations, intercultural nights and different energizers. A lot of new and interesting ideas were generated, because the cultural backgounds of the people in this project were so diverse. As a result all of the stated objectives of this youth exchange were met and all of the 36 participants went home with new experiences, knowledge, got good language and team work practice and what is most important - we got great new friends and many amazing memories.

Joosep Viik.


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