“ERASMUS + US 2” Training Course in United Kingdom

“ERASMUS + US 2” Training Course was organized in Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom from 23th of July to 3rd of August 2016. This training course was organized by the not-for-profit voluntary organization OpportUNITY. 

Project involved participants from United Kingdom, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Spain and Estonia. 

Aims of the training course were:

getting familiar with the structure, aims and priorities of the Erasmus+ programme and all three Key Actions of it;

creating stronger cooperation between participating NGOs coming from Programme Countries, as well as, greater knowledge of the new programme; 

finishing the training course with concrete Erasmus + project(s), which will be submitted for the deadline of October 4rd 2016.

We studied how to work in teams and write and manage projects, gained non-formal education competencies, solved different creative tasks, participated in funny energizer games, organized interculture nights and many more. Every country shared their knowledge about the NGO they represented and made useful connections for the future projects. During the training course there were formed five international project writing teams who managed to write initial versions of their projects and will continue working on their projects after the training course.

Estonian participants reviews about the training course:

Kersti – The training course I participated was Opportunity in literally and with the capital letter - I had chance to learn from experienced trainers, meet new people from different countries and collect unforgettable memories. 

Merili – It was my 3rd international training course and must say each training course has its own face and never gets boring. During “Erasmus+ US 2” project I learned so much about project writing, cultures and even about myself, got friends with many wonderful people around the world and spent amazing time together. I truly love non-formal education – always something new, very educative and fun way to learn about important topics. It sure isn’t my last training course!

Airy – The training course was an amazing experience - organizing team was very professional, I gained new knowledge and met great people!

Kersti Oksaar.


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