"Skills for public speaking", youth exchange in Romania

For me this youth Exchange broadened my horizon in every possible way. I became more aware of myself, got to know different point of views, gained more self-confidence. This exchange also gave me really good friends from Estonia. We had this instant fit with each other. I felt like I have known them for years. Others didn't believe that we just met for the first time, because it really didn't seem like that. It was also really challenging for me. I came out from my comfort zone and I felt great. I feel that I have gained so much more self-confidence that I can just do whatever I want and be myself without any fear. In addition, I got new friends from all over the Europe and I can go to different countries and I'm pretty sure that I have a place to sleep. Also, I have those new friends that I communicate pretty much every day. There is also some great news. One group is also planning to make a project in their country and invite the same people. 
We really had so much fun and we enjoyed every little piece of it. We slept like 4 hours a day, sometimes even less, but we couldn’t miss anything, because we just didn’t want to. The days were really active, we were always doing something, but it was so well organized that you didn't want to miss anything at all. I have never felt this happy and peaceful in my life. We had so much fun every day and we were away from our everyday lives. Others have also said that they feel themselves as better persons after this youth exchange. Also, It made me to pay attention to little things in life. This lasted for us 7 days and the sad part of it is that you hadn't enough time to get to know people as much you wanted to and it was emotionally hard to say goodbye. Thanks to this project, I'm 110% sure that I want to go study abroad. 

Just to mention the fact, that food was incredibly delicious and they had also vegetarian food, which I really enjoyed.

For me it was a miraculous experience and I will always keep these people and moments in my heart. I hope to see them soon. Also, I want to encourage people to step out from their comfort zone and apply for an exchange alone and you never know how lucky you might get as I did. I have new friends from Europe and really good friends from Estonia as well. This kind of projects will give you so much: self-development, courage, new point of views, expand your horizon, make you enjoy/notice little things in life, develop English very much, lifetime experience and etc... 

(Too many things that it will give you). So you cannot lose anything, you can only win so much more!

Some quotes also,which I learned there.
Don't wait for a perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect.
If you want to develop, then step out from your comfort zone.
If you never try, you'll never know.

Laura Enno


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