"NON FORMAL EDUCATION in Action", training course in Romania

Me, Kairi Kuusemaa and Heelia Sillamaa from Estonia participated in the the following Project „NON FORMAL EDUCATION in Action“, which took place in Romania. The project's main activity was a training course, a mobility of youth workers from partner countries, which was held between 8th and 23th of February 2017 in Slănic Moldova (Romania) with the participation of 30 youth workers from Romania, Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Malta, Italy, Greece, Estonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Lebanon, Azerbaijan and Moldova. 

Main topics of this Project: 

1) Youth (Participation, Youth working, Development and social inclusion opportunities for young people from vulnerable groups or in risk). 
2) New innovative educational methods and development of training courses for addressing the needs and issues of young people from vulnerable groups or in risk (especially the young refugees, immigrants or hard to reach). 
3) Inter-cultural dialogue and learning (for the promotion of common fundamental values of our society particularly to the hard to reach young people and facilitation of long live learning of the vulnerable groups). 

This training was really educational and gave us a lot of practical knowledge and experience about previous topics. Every country had to make a workshop. Me and other Estonian gave a workshop about nonformal, informal and formal learning. 

In detailed, whe learned how to 
1) write a Project 
2) deal with refugee problems 
3) work with youth 
4) make a games 
5) plan a trip 
6) negotiate 
7) give a lesson 
8) lead a group 
9) manage time 
10) socialize 

Daily program was sometimes too intensive and long (10:00-23:00), but at least our learning outcome was effective. We learnt to deal with long days and studied how to be efficient even after 9 hours workshops. Especially we learnt about situations with refugees in every each countries and how they deal with this situation.


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