"ART OF EVS", training course in Turkey

In the middle of March, Seiklejate Vennaskond participated in the "ART OF EVS" project that took place in amazing city of Istanbul that lies in two continents Europe and Asia. 

During 7 days participants from 8 countries, totally 22 people from: Italy, Greece, Estonia, Portugal, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia and Turkey, were discovering opportunities, rules and conditions of EVS volunteering program. 
We had a week full of interactive sessions with multiple tasks based on non-formal education. Each of the day had various and sometimes even challenging program. Working mostly in the team we were trying on the volunteer, sending and hosting organization roles, learning main principles of EVS program, accounting a monthly budget for volunteer and made his possible timetable, watching details of health insurance for volunteer, creating EVS project ideas and trying to find a solution for some specific problems that can occur during the project. 

Moreover, we got acquainted with other programs launched by European Parliament, for instance Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs. As a result of the project we were obligated to make an EVS manual for volunteer, sending or hosting organization.  


Jevgenia Nazarova


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