"EQuilibrium", youth exchange in Romania

while promoting tolerance towards aspects related to cultural and religious diversity, various health conditions or personal choices.
We have settled following objectives:
- Promote healthy lifestyle encouraging physical activity.
- Stimulate healthy habits and tolerance towards specific aspects.
- Educate on healthy lifestyle and its impact on career and quality of life.
- Increase society awareness on importance of equilibrated attitudes in life.

Eurostat Data (EU-SILC 2013) on personal well-being show that in countries represented in the project the proportion of young people that rate their life satisfaction level as “low” is rather high:
Bulgaria–47%, Hungary-21.7%, Estonia–18.5%, Italy-13.7%, Spain-15.5%, Romania-6.1%, the EU average being-12.2%. There is a large array of factors that influence well-being, but our purpose is to explore those we can influence.

There are many studies, such as OCDE/UE ”Health at a Glance: Europe 2016”, EU Youth Report 2015, that pinpoint how important it is to raise healthy generations. Chronical and mental diseases and risk factors such as obesity, smoking, drugs, excessive alcohol consumption have a negative social and economic impact both at individual and society levels, reducing employability and work force, further deepening social inequalities and serving as criteria for discrimination.
In order to ensure a deep and multilateral analysis of the problem, we consolidated a diverse international group that reunites: ethnic/religious minorities, vegetarians/vegans, smokers, participants having different health conditions.

As a result, participants will evaluate their lifestyle and well-being level and will settle their own action
plans for personal development and improving quality of life. Being exposed to diversity, young people will learn to think beyond stereotypes, developing understanding and solidary attitudes, thus
contributing to social cohesion.

injurious habits and behaviors, educating conscious and motivated citizens that will lead a healthy
lifestyle, will be employed. Thus, reduction of social inequalities and increase of general well-being
can be facilitated. As well, we will promote the most important European values: diversity, tolerance,

You can follow us at: https://www.facebook.com/equilibriumyouthexchange/
This project was financed with the support of European Commission through Erasmus+ programme. This communication reflects only the point of view of the author and the Commission is not responsible for the use of the information contained in this communication.
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