Noortevahetus "Communication" Inglismaal
23. - 29. septembrini toimus Suurbritannias noortevahetus teemal kommunikatsioon ja tolerantsus. Projekt tõi nädalaks kokku inimesed Eestist, Leedust, Tšehhist, Türgist ja Suurbritanniast. Kogunesime Oldhami, mis on linn Suur-Manchesteri piirkonnas, umbes 10 kilomeetrit Manchesterist.
Iga riik pidi projekti jooksul viima läbi töötubasid ning vastutama üks päev hommiku- ja lõunasöögi eest. Päevad olid ära jaotatud kitsamate teemade kaupa: kommunikatsioon, erinevad kultuurid - üks Euroopa, religioonidevaheline sallivus, Euroopa väärtused ja identiteet, rassiline tolerantsus. Samuti toimusid kultuuriõhtud, kus iga riik tutvustas oma kodumaad ning pakkus traditsioonilisi jooke ja sööke.
Eestlaste korraldada oli esimese päeva kommunikatsiooni teemaline töötuba. Kuna projekt oli alles algusfaasis otsustasime läbi viia erinevaid suhtlemisega seotud mänge, et jääd sulatada ja üksteisega paremini tuttavaks saada. Järgmine Türgi korraldatud päev kulges samas rütmis, lihtsalt ülesanded nõudsid natuke rohkem mõtlemist ja süvenemist. Näiteks pidime esitama enda riigile iseloomulikke situatsioone neis ise näideldes. Keskmise türklase lõppematud kallistused ja ülevoolav soojus olid suures kontrastis tavalise eestlase introvertsuse ja pideva isikliku ruumi vajadusega. See ülesanne oli hea näitamaks rahvustevahelisi erisusi ning samas mõistmaks, et kultuurilised erinevused ei pea suhtlemisel olema takistuteks.
Leedukad viisid läbi religiooniteemalisi vestlusringe, mis olid huvitavad ning lisasid kogu projektile asjalikkust. Neil oli ettevalmistatud ka esitlus üksteise valestimõistmise teemal ja sellega seotud tegevused. Tšehhidega õppisime oma logo loomist, üksteiste keeltes väljendeid ning isegi mediteerisime, et suhelda iseendaga. Põnev oli kokku puutuda kommunikatsiooni eri tahkudega.
Lisaks töötubadele olid meil ka väljasõidud. Meid kutsuti moslemite heategevusorganisatsiooni Penny Appeal üritusele, kus toimus filmiõhtu ning seejärel raha kogumine mošeede ehituseks ning abivajajatele annetamiseks. Kuna meie võõrustaja oli Rochdale’i abilinnapea, veetsime ühe terve päeva Rochdale’is. Seal oli meil võimalus kohtuda linnapea, linnavolikogu esimehe ja parlamendiliikmega. Samuti külastasime mošeed, kus meiega rääkis kohalik imaam, ning linnamuuseumit ja galeriid.
Kuna programm ei olnud väga sisutihe, anti meile palju vaba aega. Oldhamile, kus me peatusime, saime mitu tiiru peale teha ning linnake hakkas juba täitsa koduseks muutuma. Projekti keskel oli meil aga täiesti vaba päev, kus saime kaugemaid kohti avastada. Enamik tutvus lähemalt Manchesteriga, nii selle vaatamisväärsuste kui ostlemisvõimalustega. Osa meist käisid ka Liverpoolis, mille värskus ja nooruslikkus jäävad kindlasti kauaks meelde.
Kahjuks ei olnud projekt just kõige paremini organiseeritud. Tegevuskava mõeldi välja jooksvalt, me ei teinud midagi väga produktiivset ja puudusid sisutihedad arutelud. Seetõttu ei olnud ka riikidevaheline suhtlus kõige parem, kuid õnneks nädala lõpuks oli see paranenud. Osad osalejad ei mõistnud inglise keelt, seetõttu oli olukord veelgi raskendatud. Mitmel korral tundus, et õpime rohkem religiooni kui kommunikatsiooni kohta. Muret tegi ka tohutu prügihulk ja raiskamine, õnneks osalejate soovil hakkasime prügi sorteerima.
Hoolimata projekti kitsaskohtadest usun, et kõigil on midagi, mida sellest nädalast meenutada ja et oleme nüüd natukenegi paremad ja tolereerivamad inimesed nii iseenda kui ka teistega suheldes.
Karmen Kukk
“Communication” summary in English
From 23 to 29 September, youth exchanges in the UK on communication and tolerance took place. The project brought together people from Estonia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Turkey and from the United Kingdom for a week. We gathered in Oldham, a city in the Greater Manchester area, about 10 kilometers from Manchester.Each country had to conduct workshops during the project and be responsible for one day for breakfast and lunch. The days were spread across narrower topics: communication, different cultures - one in Europe, interfaith tolerance, European values and identity, racial tolerance. There were also cultural nights where each country introduced their homelands and offered traditional drinks and meals.
The first day's communication workshop was organized by Estonians. As the project was still in the early stages, we decided to carry out various communication games in order to melt the ice and get to know each other better. The next day organized by Turkey took place in the same rhythm, just the tasks required a bit more thinking and deepening.The Lithuanians conducted religious-related conversations that were interesting and added to the whole project. They also prepared a presentation on each other's misunderstanding and related activities. With the Czechs, we learned to create our own logo, in other languages, and even meditated to communicate with ourselves.In addition to the workshops, we also had trips. We were summoned to the Penny Appeal for the Muslim charity, which hosted a movie theater, and then funded the construction of mosques and donated to those in need. As our host was Deputy Mayor of Rochdale, we spent one whole day at Rochdale. We had the opportunity to meet with the mayor, the chairman of the city council and a Member of Parliament.Because the program was not very tangible, we were given a lot of free time. To Oldham, where we stopped, we could get some tricks and the city began to change completely. However, in the middle of the project, we had a completely free day where we could discover the distant places. Most came to Manchester, with its attractions and shopping opportunities.Unfortunately, the project was not the best organized. The action plan was considered on a rolling basis, we did nothing very productive and lacked sophisticated discussions.
The first day's communication workshop was organized by Estonians. As the project was still in the early stages, we decided to carry out various communication games in order to melt the ice and get to know each other better. The next day organized by Turkey took place in the same rhythm, just the tasks required a bit more thinking and deepening.The Lithuanians conducted religious-related conversations that were interesting and added to the whole project. They also prepared a presentation on each other's misunderstanding and related activities. With the Czechs, we learned to create our own logo, in other languages, and even meditated to communicate with ourselves.In addition to the workshops, we also had trips. We were summoned to the Penny Appeal for the Muslim charity, which hosted a movie theater, and then funded the construction of mosques and donated to those in need. As our host was Deputy Mayor of Rochdale, we spent one whole day at Rochdale. We had the opportunity to meet with the mayor, the chairman of the city council and a Member of Parliament.Because the program was not very tangible, we were given a lot of free time. To Oldham, where we stopped, we could get some tricks and the city began to change completely. However, in the middle of the project, we had a completely free day where we could discover the distant places. Most came to Manchester, with its attractions and shopping opportunities.Unfortunately, the project was not the best organized. The action plan was considered on a rolling basis, we did nothing very productive and lacked sophisticated discussions.
Kärolain Jaomaa
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