Youth exchange "Mother Nature" in Turkey

15.-24.04.2019 was a magical time for 56 young people from Norway, Turkey, Lithuania, UK, Estonia, Czech Republic, Croatia and Poland who were lucky enough to participate in an amazing project in Diyarbakır, Turkey. Even more amazing was the theme of the project - „Mother Nature“.
During this amazing time we had a chance to learn so much about different cultures and how each and every one of us can do something to keep our biggest wealth - nature.

Like in every project there was a lot of activities and workshops, but for us the most useful part was the hikes and trips we took around the beautiful Tigris river, because during these hikes we did something positive for the mountains: we took trash bags with us and picked up trash around the trails.

We also learned about sustainable business and eco-friendly behavior. These activities didn’t only teach us about the theme itself, but brought us out of our comfort zone and made us do little sketches, songs and even a glorious rap battle.
We had an opportunity to let our imagination fly and make our own future university, bar, gym and mall using whatever materials and systems we could think of.
The more you started to get to know the people around you, the more interesting participating in different debates and topics became, for example through conversations you found out how big the knowledge about sustainability among the participants was.

There was one aspect that was a bit disturbing from the very beginning, the plastic cups we were wasting all through the project to drink water even though the tap water was drinkable and good.

BUT… as always… the participants are the ones who are going to make or break the project and this one was truly amazing!


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