Noortevahetus "Encourage yourself" Leedus

Youth exchange took place in vacation resort near small town Merkine from 10th to 19th April. The topic was overcoming fears and encouraging yourself and other people. Lithuania, UK, France, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Estonia and Turkey sent 6 participants + 1 group leader. Program was directed by Turkish man Dijadin and executed by country teams, support for local practicalities was given by Lithuanian organisation WeGo. 

The culture nights we're really awesome. I liked that people put much work into representing their own country and culture. The nights always ended up dancing and having a blast. I learned so much in such a short time. It was an amazing experience. 

The location where we stayed at was in the middle of the forest and the place was really pretty and nice. This property was big and there was a sauna and pool. The main house bedrooms were a little bit small but cottage houses were cute and comfortable. Also there was “chilling” room, where everybody could relax and play some games. It is really fun place where to stay at. 

Lithuanian organisation WeGo were helping a lot with our day trips. One of the highlight was definitely hiking in the forest and across the hills with whole group of Youth Exchange around Merkine town. Everybody enjoyed it, even though we walked about 20 km in total. We finished the day with tasty barbeque. On the day off we had our time in Druskininkai. There were couple of options what to do - cable car, indoor snow area, tarzan tracks in the forest and more. We hired bikes and went for a ride in the nature and through the city. That was so much fun. The day before our flights back to home we went for kayaking. We connected kayaks and were cruising along the river in about 9 kayaks in a line. Lot of laugh and nice time spent. This kind of activities are connecting people more, if you get out of the “classroom”. We had amazing people who were working together and helping each other a lot in different activities. The Youth Exchange will be definitely one of the experiences in life you’ll remember for a long time.



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