Youth Exchange “ActivE+ Youth" in Romania

Association Centrul pentru Dezvoltarea Instrumentelor Structurale together with partners from: Turkey- Belen Kaymakamlığı, Republica Cehia -ICM Jindrichuv Hradec z.s., Estonia – Seiklejate Vennaskond and Greece  – Youthnet Hellas announce ending of the project “ActivE+ Youth".

This project is funded by the European Union through the "Erasmus +" Program, Key Action 1: Educational Mobility for Mobility for Youth and Youth Workers.

The group of this project consisted of 45 participants - age between of 18 and 30. They participated for 11 days in various activities carried out by non-formal education methods. The goal of the Active Youth project was to stimulate young people to get involved in the civil society.

Youth Exchange Duration: 15.02.2019-25.02.2019
Location of youth exchange: Horezu, Romania

The activities of this youth exchange took place in Horezu where the participants had a good environment for relationship and teamwork in order to learning how to give first aid measures.

Among the specific objectives of this project we can list:

The objectives of the project were achieved as follows:
O1: Promoting civic spirit among young people by designing and disseminating motivational videos for at least 20 participants with at least 10 social network shares. This goal was achieved in 2 stages, at the project stage the project team helped young people to better understand the importance of proactivity for personal development but also for society, facilitated the exchange of good practices and know how that helped to generate new ideas. In the last few days we have prepared a workshop where working in national teams young people have created videos (some teams at their own initiative have come up with several projects) which is about to solve a striking problem of the local community. 
O2 "Inspiring young people from the participants' knowledge circle to engage in volunteer activities by recruiting 10 new volunteers in each partner association for 4 months after activities." As well as objective 1, it has been achieved in 2 stages of activities and follow-up. We focused on creating the necessary materials to attract other young people into volunteer activities initiated by our partners as brochures, videos, pictures, statistics, blog, FB postings, etc. And in the follow-up activities the promotional materials were presented and the young participants have a fan with arguments for young people to compel requests for membership in partner organizations but more importantly to get involved in different volunteer activities and project management..
O3: Stimulate active participation both locally and nationally and in the Euro-parliamentary elections in 2019 by organizing 2 flash mobs in the country of origin, with the participation of min. 200 people. This objective was reached in the follow-up phase when the young participants coordinated these events within their local organizations, being assisted by legal representatives as well.

In total there were 45 participants carrying out nonfromal education for 11 days.
The youth exchange activities have been planned to achieve all of the project goals. The Erasmus + project presentation sessions of the Youth Pass certificate have helped to create group spirit and facilitate the exchange of information throughout the project.

Each partner made a workshop to disseminate the results in the organization. These workshops were coordinated by project leaders and project participants. They were made for volunteers in organizations. We can say that they have had the greatest impact in enrolling new volunteers in partner organizations.
 Sustainability of the project is an important point in our relationship with our partners, for this we have determined that we will always update the site with useful information, we will further promote the materials within our own projects, we will further monitor the progress of the young people participating in various projects of the promoters, we will initiate other projects that address the problems studied in the framework of youth exchange, but the most important is the intention to impress and the 2nd edition of this project.

The target group of the project was made up of young Europeans who wanted to be actively involved in the civic and social life of the community. Because the circle of friends and knowledge of the participants are part of the target group, I asked young people as their own example to inspire and motivate them towards proactivity and involvement in their native community. They became more interested in European issues, European projects, and in particular the Erasmus + program and its opportunities. The target group has received models and examples of good practice that are worthwhile to follow, which is either silent or missing in the communities involved. Young people have learned more about volunteering, projects, NGOs, and have discovered the benefits of active involvement in them. From the materials created by the participants the young people will learn about the main European problems and will learn how they can influence their improvement, so we are working on the "Informed so armed" desiderata.


This project was funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects only the author's point of view, and the Commission is not responsible for the use of the information contained in this communication.


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