Noortevahetus "Nature Spirit" Rootsis

7 - 15 märtsil toimus Rootsis, Karlstadis, looduse teemaline noortevahetus
“Nature Spirit”, millest meie imetore Eesti grupp osa võttis. Noortevahetusel oli
inimesi Inglismaalt, Rootsist, Türgist, Eestist, Ungarist, Leedust, Tšehhist ning

Projekt toimus Inglise keeles.
Reisimine Karlstadi oli üpris lihtne eriti kuna kõik grupi liikmed said sama lennuki ja bussi peale. Tund aega lennukis ja neli tundi bussis ning olimegi kohal!

Projekti eesmärgiks oli teadvustada keskkonnaprobleeme läbi kunstipärase loovuse.

Peamiseks viisiks eesmärgi täitmisel olid erinevad kunstilised töötoad, mis
lõppkokkuvõttes juhtisid tähelepanu puhta keskkonna hoidmisele. Saime mõelda,
kuidas keskkonda hoida, kuidas kahjulike mõjusid leevendada ning mis moodi
oleks õige suhtuda globaalsesse probleemi ning kuidas see kõik riikide vahel
erineb. Kõike seda sai väljendada läbi teatri, muusika, video, foto ja kunsti.
Tegevused toimusid peamiselt rahvuselt segatud juhuslike gruppide kaudu.

7-15 March was a nature thematic youth exchange called,,Nature Spirit” in Sweden, Karlstad, which was attended by our wonderful Estonian group.  The youth exchange included people from England, Sweden, Turkey, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The whole project was in English.
Traveling to Karlstad was quite easy especially since all the members of the group

got the same plane and bus.  An hour on the plane and four hours on the bus and
we were there!
The project aimed to raise awareness of environmental issues through artistic

The main way to achieve this goal was through various artistic workshops, which
ultimately drew attention to maintaining a clean environment.  We were able to
think about how to keep the environment, how to mitigate harmful effects, and
how it would be right to deal with global problems and how it all differs between
countries.  Everything could be expressed through theater, music, video,
photography, and art.

Activities took place mainly through random groups mixed with different

Please describe the activities carried out to share the results of your
project inside and outside participating organisations. What were the
target groups of your dissemination activities?

Tegevused, mille abil jagasime projekti tulemusi ?

Me jagasime projekti kohta läbi sotsiaalmeedia postituste ja meedia materjalide. Ning Seiklejate Vennaskonna blogipostituse kaudu.

Mis on meie järelkaja sihtgrupp?

Projekti enda sihtgrupp on 15-30 aastased inimesed ning ka noored, kellel on majanduslikud, geograafilised ja sotsiaalsed raskused

We shared the information about the project trough various social media posts and media materials. Also through the blog post of Seiklejate Vennaskond.
Projects own target group is 15-30 year people and also youth, who face financial, geographical and social struggles.
Please describe the activities carried out to promote the Erasmus+ Programme and ensure the visibility of the programme. What were the target groups, frequency of those activities?
Tegevused, mis promosid Erasmus+ ? Sihtgrupp ja tegevuste kordus.
Oli Erasmus+ tutvustav ja seletab töötuba, mille käigus rääkisid nii korraldajad ja osalejad omadest kogemustest. Ning ka muul ajal toodi sisse erinevate nurkade alt Erasmus+ programmi osasid. Päris huvitav oli näha kui tihedalt suutsid inimesed selliseid vestlusi/tegevusi ülesse tuua. Päris paljude jaoks oli see nende esimene projekt, seega nad õppisid päris palju Erasmus+ kohta.
There was a workshop which introduced and explained about what Erasmus+ programme is. During which the organizers and participants shared their personal experiences. Also during other times the programme of Erasmus+ was brought in by different angles. It was quite interesting to see how well the people could bring up conversations/activities based on that. For a lot people it was their first project, so they learned a lot about Erasmus+.

Please give examples of how the participants have shared their experience with peers within or outside your organisation.
Kuidas osalejad jagasid oma kogemusi nii organisatsiooni sees kui ka väljas.

Osalejad jagasid oma kogemusi teistega läbi erinevate sotsiaalmeedia kanalite kaudu. Nad tegid erinevad postitusi ja  pilte ja “storyid” mille kaudu jagati millega projekti vältel tegeleti .

Participants shared their experiences with others through various social media channels. They made different posts and pictures and “stories”, trough which they shared about what was going on during the project.
Please give examples of how the organisations have shared their experience with other organisations.
Kuidas organisatsioonid omavahel kogemusi jagasid??
Eri riigid tutvustasid oma organisatsioone läbi erinevate töötubade ja tegevuste, ning ka oma riigi rahvusõhtu käigus.

Different countries introduced their respective organizations through various workshops and activities, also during their National evening.


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