Noortevahetus "Upgrade" Gruusias
The week in Bakuriani was a pleasant and developing experience. Listening and organizing to the workshops and leading the group was overall a very useful and develop ing for me. Although a lot was starting to happen in the world, I saw how everybody were still able to enjoy the experience. The location was unique and beautiful, would have loved to get outside a little more though! Nevertheless, I'm incredibly thankful for the possibility and the main organizers for creating something so f un and beautiful. Veebruari lõpus toimus Gruusia lumiste nõlvade vahel noortevahetus, mis pakkus ka alaealistele osalejatele võimalust rahavusvahelisest noorteprojektist osa saada. Mark Kogu see projekt oli minu jaoks hämmastav. Võrreldes esimese projektikogemusega oli Gruusias hotelli väärsed tingimused ning me viibisime imeilusas ja rahulikus suusakuurortis. Projekti sisu oli ääretult huvitav, sest teemaks oli aktiivne noorte osalus. Iga osaleja pidi läbi vi...